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Communications Resource Center

Communication support for your advisor base. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

Need a little help using the Communications Resource Center? Watch our overview video or browse our FAQ below.


  • How can I watch the recording of a live demo of the CRC?
    Click here to watch the 40-minute live demo of the CRC. During this session, Julie Salvatore, Enterprise Communications Strategist on the eMoney Client Communications team provides an overview and in-depth demonstration of the CRC, a few tips for getting started, how to access the site, and some live Q&A.
  • What is the purpose of the Communications Resource Center (CRC)?
    The CRC features a vast library of content, which we encourage you to repurpose for your field communications. Here, you can leverage our suggested email templates developed by our financial planning and platform adoption experts, designed to empower your team to execute effective eMoney communication strategies and planning-led conversations.
  • eMoney communicates with my users directly—why should I also use the CRC?
    In our experience, firms who reiterate the value of eMoney in their internal channels, in addition to the communications sent directly from eMoney, see greater adoption overall. As a home office representative overseeing your firm, you understand your unique audience of financial professionals better than anyone. It's for this reason that we encourage you to review our library of communication templates and customize our messages to focus on what's truly important to your financial professionals. This way, you can leverage content eMoney has already thoughtfully crafted, and create even more impactful, personalized messages around the value of eMoney—ultimately ensuring your field sees the return on investment you desire.
  • Who is this site intended for?
    The CRC is intended for home office associates and/or communication professionals who oversee the eMoney relationship. Home office contacts will receive a unique URL for the CRC. This link can be used by anyone from the home office team at that firm. We simply ask that you use discretion when sharing this page, and do not share with others outside of your organization. Admin users will also have a link to the CRC accessible via their in-application Help menu as well.
  • How should I use this site?
    We recommend using the CRC to supplement your eMoney communications strategy. You should use these communications in your internal channels to share a message that will resonate best with your audience. For example, do you see a best practice communication that covers a topic you know your field would care about? Take the parts that are applicable to your audience, and customize the message as needed by selecting "Download Assets" and copying and pasting content from the Word doc into your internal communication. Then, personalize it to your field as needed! We recommend reviewing the short video at the top of this page to see the site in action.
  • Can I send the URL to the CRC to my advisors?
    No. The CRC should never be shared with your financial professionals, as it is only meant for home offices and eMoney Admin users. The CRC content should always be repurposed for your home office team's own internal outreaches, and never shared directly with your financial professionals.
  • How is this site organized?
    All communications and templates, along with their associated content, are organized according to lifecycle stage (Growth, Onboarding, Engagement, and Value-Add), or can be searched via "Topics", or the search bar.
  • What kind of content can I find on this site?
    All communications are positioned either as email templates or exact emails that have been previously communicated to eMoney users. Within those emails, you'll find "Assets" incorporated in those communications, such as email copy, links to blog articles, whitepapers, and images. You'll find content specific to onboarding, engagement, retention, and value-add – including email templates like Product Updates, Best Practices, and more.
  • Is the content in the CRC branded for our firm?
    No. The content in the CRC is eMoney branded. However, we don't expect firms to repurpose the content exactly as shown, which is why we break out all the assets to allow your team to repurpose any piece you'd like. Assets such as whitepapers, infographics, and eMoney videos for example, should be repurposed as shared, but the email templates presenting this content can be repurposed any way you'd like. That is why a Word Document is included in every asset download file!
  • What is the purpose of each section of the client lifecycle?
    We break our communications down into four main stages of the client lifecycle to better target users with relevant support based on where they are in their experience with eMoney. For example, we wouldn't recommend distributing a communication promoting a case study of an advanced eMoney user to your field, if they're just getting onboarded. But perhaps, after a user has successfully adopted eMoney into their business, this type of communication would be more relevant and help them elevate their usage of eMoney.
  • Why is timely, strategic communication around eMoney so important?
    eMoney is an extremely comprehensive, robust software. One of the most effective ways to promote adoption, and keep your field engaged in your investment of eMoney is by distributing regular, thoughtful communications to your field. Distributing communications from your team regularly means you're engaging intelligently with your audience, in ways only you can.
  • Who owns and manages this site?
    The eMoney Client Communications team supports this page to ensure all of our email templates are saved here. Other content contributors, such as various eMoney experts and thought leaders may contribute to some content to ensure every communication provides value. All content has gone through a formal internal review process, and aligns with our brand guidelines and tone.
  • How often is this site updated?
    New content is added monthly, typically around the second half of the month or closely following the monthly product update. eMoney communication experts also perform a biannual cleanup of outdated resources. If you happen to find an outdated resource, please click the "Have a Suggestion"" link in the footer of the CRC and let us know!
  • Is CRC access included in my cost?
    Yes! All communications offered via the CRC is included in your cost of eMoney.

Access and Permissions

  • Who is the CRC intended for?
    The CRC is intended for home office associates and/or communication professionals who oversee the eMoney relationship. Admin users automatically have the CRC accessible to them from within their eMoney application. Home office associates without an Admin user role will be provided a custom link via email. This link can be used by anyone from the home office team at that firm. We simply ask that you use discretion when sharing this page, and do not share with others outside of your organization.
  • Can I share the URL for this site?
    The CRC is a complimentary resource extended exclusively to our valued home office partners. As such, we ask that you not share the CRC with any individuals outside of your organization who do not oversee the eMoney relationship. Please refer to our privacy language, located in the footer of this page, for additional context: By accessing and using materials, pursuant to the confidentiality requirements in your agreement with eMoney, you hereby agree not to share or disclose these materials or the information contained therein to any third parties beyond your firm and your clients.
  • If I'm not an Admin user, can I still access the site?
    Only Admin users can access the CRC from their Help menu within the application. Home office associates without an Admin user role will be provided a custom link via email. This link can be used by anyone from the home office team at that firm. We simply ask that you use discretion when sharing this page, and do not share with others outside of your organization. Please refer to our privacy policy below for more information: By accessing and using these documents and materials, you hereby agree as part of your agreement with eMoney, that you will only use these documents and materials for your work on behalf of your clients and you will not share, transmit, or disclose these documents and materials with any third party other than your customers and members of your own firm. Failure to abide by these restrictions may put you in breach of your agreement with eMoney.
  • How can I subscribe to receive updates from this page?
    Submit your business email into the contact form found on the home page of the CRC. This will subscribe you to our regular CRC newsletter, that will include popular content highlights, field communication strategy tips, and more.

Navigation and Usage

  • How do I navigate this site?
    If you are looking for a communications campaign specific to a user lifecycle stage, we recommend browsing via section to view our collection of relevant content. However, if you're looking for content specific to a topic, keyword and phrase, enter that into the search bar or browse our popular topics. The CRC is accessible from both desktop and mobile devices, however we recommend navigating the site predominantly via desktop for an optimal experience, as communication assets can only be downloaded via desktop.
  • I'd like to use this content in my internal communication—how do I do that?
    Once you've identified the communication(s) you'd like to repurpose for your own communication, follow the steps below...

    1. For your reference, click the "Preview" button to see how eMoney positioned the update originally.
    2. Then, select "Download Assets" to access a Word doc and any associated assets—like screenshots we featured in our communication.
    3. Copy the content from the Word doc that is applicable to your audience.
    4. Paste the content in to your internal communication – like a newsletter or intranet page, and feel free to edit it as you please to ensure it is relevant to your audience.
    5. Finally, reuse any of our images and associated resources in your internal communication.

    Now you're ready to send an impactful communication to your audience that's specific to their unique needs.
  • How can I use the "Search" functionality effectively?
    We recommend browsing the Popular Topics section of the site to see the most common eMoney topics firms are communicating to their field. If you still can't find what you're looking for, try the search bar. We suggest using proper nouns, or keywords when searching for communications. For example, if you're looking for communications about the Vault, we recommend searching for the term, "Vault" instead of "secure file storage." Any communication mentioning the Vault should populate.
  • I found a communication I'd like to send, but it references some areas that are not applicable to my audience. How can I send a communication that's unique to my field?
    eMoney has a diverse userbase, so some communications featured in the CRC may not be directly applicable to your audience. However, if there are elements of the communication you'd like to message to your audience, we encourage you to use ours as a template, and repurpose the message through your internal channels. Here's how:

    1. Identify the communication you wish to use as a baseline.
    2. For your reference, click the "Preview" button to see how eMoney positioned the communication originally.
    3. Then, select "Download Assets" to access a Word doc and any associated assets— like screenshots we featured in our communication.
    4. Copy the content from the Word doc that is applicable to your audience.
    5. Paste the content in to your internal communication, and feel free to edit it as you please to ensure it is relevant to your audience.
    6. Finally, reuse any of our images and associated resources in your internal communication.

    Now you're ready to send an impactful communication to your audience that's specific to their unique needs.
  • I want to make sure the communications I repurpose from the CRC are applicable to a specific audience, how do I do that?
    You'll notice "Audience" listed at the top of each communication in the CRC. This is how you can be sure the content shared in that particular communication is specific to your appropriate audience. If your field has a custom version of eMoney, there may be some cases where you come across content for the audience type, "Standard Version of eMoney," but find value in sharing this content with your field. That's great and totally encouraged! You know your field of financial professionals best, and support your use of any communication that will help serve your field.
  • What are all of the audience types for communications on the site and how are they defined?
    All Users - Communications positioned for "All Users" are for any active user, both those on the standard and custom versions of eMoney. You may come across these in the Engagement and Value-Add sections.

    New Users - Communications positioned for "New Users" are for those who are brand new to eMoney. You'll find most of these communications in the Onboarding section.

    Non-Users - Communications positioned for "Non-Users" are created for those who don't have a subscription with eMoney within your field, and most of these communications can be found in the Growth section.

    Advisor-to-Investor - Email templates positioned for "Advisor-to-Investor" are for eMoney users with the Client Portal activated, and are looking for some strategic ways to drive Client Portal engagement among their investors. Most of these communications can be found in the Onboarding section.

    Standard Version of eMoney - Communications positioned for the audience, "Standard Version of eMoney" are for all users on the standard or "street" version of eMoney with no special configurations or customizations to their experience. Most of these communications can be found in the Engagement section.

    Custom Version of eMoney - Communications positioned for the audience, "Custom Version of eMoney" are for users on a custom or configured experience. Most custom or "enterprise" communications can be found in the Engagement section.

    Home Office - The communications positioned for Admin users or home office associates, can be found in the Home Office News section which always showcases content with the home office in mind.

    Marketing Subscribers - Communications positioned for "Marketing Subscribers" are for eMoney users subscribed to eMoney's marketing solution, and most can be found in the Engagement section.

Strategy: Growth

Strategy: Onboarding

Strategy: Engagement

Strategy: Value-Add

  • What is the purpose of the Value-Add section?
    The purpose of the Value-Add section is to elevate system usage. Here, you can access resources that allow you to encourage eMoney users to take advantage of scalable planning packages and additional solutions like marketing, to take their business to the next level.
  • How should I use the Value-Add section to position the most effective solutions to my advisors?
    We recommend leveraging communications found in this section thoughtfully to target specific segments of eMoney users in your firm. For example, if you're looking to specifically promote eMoney business development tools to existing users, you'll want to repurpose communications from our Marketing category to the segment of users in your field who are not subscribed to eMoney's marketing solution. Or if you're pushing Plus users to consider upgrading to Advanced Planning, you'll want to explore the Pro and Premier categories!

Communications Resource Center

By accessing and using these documents and materials, you hereby agree as part of your agreement with eMoney, that you will only use these documents and materials for your work on behalf of your clients and you will not share, transmit, or disclose these documents and materials with any third party other than your customers and members of your own firm. Failure to abide by these restrictions may put you in breach of your agreement with eMoney.

By accessing and using these documents and materials, you hereby agree as part of your agreement with eMoney, that you will only use these documents and materials for your work on behalf of your clients and you will not share, transmit, or disclose these documents and materials with any third party other than your customers and members of your own firm. Failure to abide by these restrictions may put you in breach of your agreement with eMoney.