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Bringing Planning to More People

Making authentic connections using technology

Even with the wide availability of digital advice, people still need—and demand—a human touch when seeking financial guidance. In fact, 90 percent want human support as part of the advice equation.1 And the market of investors seeking this “do it with me” approach is currently underserved.

Download our FREE eBook to see how you can reach more people with planning technology and provide clients with the personalized and actionable advice they are seeking.

1eMoney 88 Million Consumer Research Study, April 2022, n=1,616

Bringing Planning to More People Ebook

About eMoney

eMoney Advisor, LLC (“eMoney”) provides technology solutions and services that help people talk about money. Rooted in holistic financial planning, eMoney solutions strengthen client relationships, streamline business operations, enhance business development, and drive overall growth. More than 109,000 financial professionals across firms of all sizes use the eMoney platform to serve more than 6.3 million households throughout the U.S. For more information, please visit:
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