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Connect accounts from thousands of financial institutions across the country to automatically power your platform—and your advice.

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Advisor meeting with their client

Instill confidence with a complete view

Compiling an all-encompassing source of financial data for your clients assures them that you are addressing their comprehensive needs.

Thousands of reasons to rely on our aggregation

Spend less time entering and managing data with direct data feeds to the financial institutions your clients use most—ensuring the data fueling your advice is accurate and up to date.  


institutions of data are aggregated by eMoney.



Man spending less time working thanks to aggregation

eMoney account aggregation provides a comprehensive look at assets both managed and held away, so you can fast-track your plan to become your clients’ primary, trusted advisor. 

Learn how Horizon Financial Group keeps clients engaged by showing them all their holdings in one place.

View Case Study


Horizon Office Exterior Photo

Enable clients to quickly and easily add their data, confirm accuracy, and view a full picture of their financial situation at any time.  


of users say their clients are more satisfied because of eMoney and 81% saw improved client retention.*
Person adjusting their data connections with eMoney aggregation

Interested in learning more about our products?

Check out our products page so you can see how to take advantage of this feature at your firm.

* eMoney ROI Survey – December 2023, n=701

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