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Candid Conversations: Couples, Money, and Conflict

When Things Get Tense, Try These Strategies

As a financial planner, you’ve likely had your share of uncomfortable moments involving couples and conflicting priorities. In this free guide, learn how to constructively approach money conflict and learn more about your clients’ values. Inside Candid Conversations: Couples, Money, and Conflict, we’ve collected the insights of experts in financial therapy on how to handle conflict with care to build deeper connections with clients.

financial advisor couples conversationsThis Candid Conversations guide will help you:

  • Discover simple techniques that can quickly defuse tension in a meeting
  • Learn how active listening can help you guide couples toward a win-win solution
  • Head off issues with a strong referral network and thoughtful tweaks to your planning process

Download our free eBook to explore these topics and more—for the health of your practice, and for the financial well-being of your clients.

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eMoney Advisor, LLC (“eMoney”) provides technology solutions and services that help people talk about money. Rooted in holistic financial planning, eMoney solutions strengthen client relationships, streamline business operations, enhance business development, and drive overall growth. More than 109,000 financial professionals across firms of all sizes use the eMoney platform to serve more than 6.3 million households throughout the U.S. For more information, please visit:
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