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The New Value Proposition for Advisors

How Combining Technology and Financial Psychology Transforms Client Outcomes

The New Value Proposition for Advisors

How Combining Technology and Financial Psychology Transforms Client Outcomes

Financial advisors that adopt technology and financial psychology see drastically better results in key client outcomes like motivation, trust, loyalty, satisfaction, and number of referrals. Yet, only 17 percent of advisors are adopting both tactics and realizing these superior results.1

In this eBook, you’ll learn:

  • How the top 17 percent of advisors see significantly improved client outcomes
  • Why Fintech and FinPsych are a powerful combination
  • Practical ways to adopt both tactics in your planning practice today

eBook Cover

You can also get the background research for this eBook by downloading our 2023 Beyond the Plan research report. The research dives deep into how Fintech and FinPsych influence the financial planning process.


1eMoney Beyond the Plan Research, July 2023, n=504 advisors, n=1,003 end-client investors.

About eMoney

eMoney Advisor, LLC (“eMoney”) provides technology solutions and services that help people talk about money. Rooted in holistic financial planning, eMoney solutions strengthen client relationships, streamline business operations, enhance business development, and drive overall growth. More than 109,000 financial professionals across firms of all sizes use the eMoney platform to serve more than 6.3 million households throughout the U.S. For more information, please visit:
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