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Unlock the full potential of your clients’ financial journeys with comprehensive goals-based and cash flow planning tools that effortlessly handle complexity, ensuring you stay ahead of evolving client needs.

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loyal client chatting about planning

Confidently plan for every possibility

Delivering deeply personalized, comprehensive plans that consider your client’s complete financial picture showcases your expertise and increases long-term confidence.

By planning with eMoney, you can

Deliver plans seamlessly and delight your clients with dynamic tools that visualize the impact of actions and update in real-time.


of eMoney users say their clients are more satisfied because of eMoney.1
Happy people elevate client engagement in a meeting

Keep your value front and center while building trust and growing assets under management with comprehensive, dynamic planning tools.

Learn how Beyond Your Hammock grew AUM almost 6 times in 4 years with eMoney.

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Eric Roberge sitting outside

Have confidence your clients will never outgrow your planning capabilities with a platform that can effortlessly tackle complex scenarios and has unparalleled reporting capabilities and accuracy.


of financial professionals surveyed agree eMoney is the leader in financial planning technology.2
advisor with mature client

Interested in learning more about our financial planning tools?

Check out our products page so you can see how to take advantage of this feature at your firm.

1 eMoney ROI Survey – December 2023, n=701
2 eMoney Planning Competitive Intelligence Quant – April 2023

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