Matthew has more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining eMoney, he was an Advanced Marketing Consultant with Prudential Securities, responsible for marketing efforts in the Northeast.
Matthew earned his bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Minnesota and holds a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in financial services from St. Thomas University. He holds the CLU, ChFC, and CFP® certifications.
What was the best piece of advice about money that you were given at an early age?
Pay off credit card debt in full each month. It will help encourage you to live within your means and it will quickly become something you don’t even think about—you just do it.
What does financial peace of mind mean to you?
Depending on your age, family situation, and personal preferences, financial peace of mind is highly personal. For one person it may mean paying off student debt, for someone else it could be not worrying about being a financial burden for their loved ones, and for another person it could be the freedom to travel anywhere they want. The great thing is, there is no right or wrong answer.