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The ROI of Financial Planning Software

Jess Liberi May 27, 2021

As more and more financial service firms strive to adapt to a digital environment and the evolving client demands for financial planning, a conversation I frequently have with financial service firms interested in financial planning software is: ‘When will I see the ROI of this solution?’

While return on investment (ROI) is truly a financial metric used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment relative to the investment’s cost, I recognize the implications of their question. Financial firms and their professionals want to understand how quickly they will recognize value from their financial planning software, as well as how deeply the investment can affect their profitability—will value be derived in their workflow, their business development, or the level of service they can offer?

The ROI of eMoney Is Quickly Realized

We conducted a survey1 of eMoney clients in March 2021 to help us address some of these questions head on. One of our primary findings was that with eMoney, ROI is quickly realized. Of our clients surveyed, 50 percent saw ROI in less than six months.

We took a deeper look to discover what business functions were experiencing the most value from eMoney financial planning solutions. Financial professionals most frequently cited three benefits leading to quick ROI:

  • Improved client satisfaction and engagement
  • Enhanced business processes and efficiency
  • Increased ability to attract new clients

Offering a Better Client Experience with Technology

Notably, highly engaged and satisfied clients were a top indicator of where advisors using eMoney are witnessing the most value from financial planning software—66 percent agree it increases the level of service offered to their clients.

This is because the software helps them solve the challenge of confidently showing clients how they will reach their desired goals. Fifty-eight percent of survey respondents report having more fruitful and valuable conversations, while 44 percent report being able to build stronger client relationships.

Additionally, 74 percent have seen improvement in client retention. Some also noted an increase in referrals due to the improved credibility a financial plan provides to clients.

Growing the Business with Financial Planning Technology

Financial professionals seek out planning technology as a way to differentiate their business from others and increase the amount of assets managed for clients.

Seventy-three percent of respondents saw improved assets under management (AUM), while 71 percent saw increased revenue. At least half of those respondents said they had at least 25 percent greater revenue growth.

According to our survey, these advisors are also witnessing an increase in prospects and referrals. Thirty-one percent of those surveyed report generating new clients and referrals. Of those generating new clients and referrals, over half had six or more new clients or referrals.

The ability to differentiate their offering and increase fees for additional services and products speaks to how advisors believe eMoney financial planning software is a major component of their business development efforts.

Making the Financial Planning Process Easier

A major hurdle for financial professionals to begin financial planning is that the process seems hard and complex. A majority of those we surveyed (60 percent) said they sought out financial planning technology to save time creating plans.

Gathering and entering client data, as well as developing and updating financial plans is made easier with planning software. Approximately 83 percent believe the technology from eMoney allows them to do financial plans more efficiently, especially with features like accurate client account aggregation and “what-if” planning scenarios.

Over half (51 percent) of respondents have been able to streamline their financial planning process. So we see that using financial planning software in this way offers business efficiency by saving time, money, and resources.

The Value Advisors Gain from Financial Planning Technology

Our study highlighted several reasons* why financial professionals seek out solutions from eMoney, including:

  • Increase the levels of service offered to clients (66 percent)
  • Save time creating plans (60 percent)
  • Differentiate my business from others (48 percent)
  • To see where clients hold assets beyond the advisor’s firm (39 percent)

It was very interesting to find that the value that they perceive from integrating planning technology, addresses those concerns, as well as several other benefits*:

  • Improved client satisfaction (90 percent)
  • Improved client engagement (87 percent)
  • Increase in fees generated from additional products/services (82 percent)
  • Improved business process and efficiency (82 percent)

All in all, we believe this is evidence that eMoney planning technology is helping financial professionals strengthen their value propositions to clients. Learn more about the power of planning with eMoney here.

*May add to more than 100 percent due to selection of multiple options.


1 eMoney, ROI of eMoney Study, March 2021, n=238.

DISCLAIMER: The eMoney Advisor Blog is meant as an educational and informative resource for financial professionals and individuals alike. It is not meant to be, and should not be taken as financial, legal, tax or other professional advice. Those seeking professional advice may do so by consulting with a professional advisor. eMoney Advisor will not be liable for any actions you may take based on the content of this blog.

Image of Jess Liberi
About the Author

As Head of Product, Jess brings eMoney Advisor's product vision and strategy to life. In this role, she focuses on the evolution and development of eMoney's robust portfolio of products, creating a powerful user experience across the platform. Working closely with financial advisors and advisory firms, Jess immerses herself in their world to fully understand them and their clients' needs. Jess has routed eMoney to focus on the growth and evolution of the financial services industry, its advisors, and the clients they serve to deliver a comprehensive and competitive suite of solutions.

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