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Finpsych Techniques Boost Holistic Financial Planning

Joe Buhrmann July 23, 2024

Mountain climbers helping each other reach new heights.

The role of financial psychology in an individual’s overall well-being is increasingly being recognized by financial professionals. By incorporating financial psychology, or finpsych, principles into their practice, financial professionals can gain a deeper understanding of their clients’ money motivations, values, and decision-making processes.

Through open-ended questions, values exercises, and the exploration of clients’ life goals, financial professionals can uncover the underlying psychological drivers that shape their clients’ financial behaviors. This holistic approach allows advisors to provide more personalized and meaningful guidance.

While adding the use of finpsych into your growing “to-do” list may feel daunting, I’d wager that many of you already ask your clients questions that help get to the heart of their financial story.

Understanding Your Clients Using Open-ended Questions

Many of the quantitative questions financial professionals must ask their clients have definitive answers, but it is the open-ended questions that will elicit the responses that lead to the added value of a personalized financial planning experience.

One powerful question that gets the planning ball rolling is “What brings you here today?” This simple query invites clients to explain their current circumstances, concerns, and motivations for seeking financial guidance in their own words. It helps establish context and priorities from the client’s perspective.

Asking “Tell me the most important agenda item we need to cover today” is another approach that empowers clients to identify and voice their most pressing financial matters. Rather than making assumptions, this question allows advisors to directly understand the client’s key objectives for any meeting.

To gauge changes since the last meeting, advisors can ask “Tell me what has happened since our last visit.” This open-ended statement creates space for clients to share new developments, whether positive or negative, that may impact their financial situation and planning needs.

Inquiring “On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being totally peaceful and 10 being totally stressed, where are you at today?” provides a window into the client’s current emotional state regarding their finances. Follow-up questions like “What’s keeping you from scoring lower?” can then gently probe the root causes of any stress or concerns while keeping a positive spin on the conversation.

Open-ended questions also facilitate future planning and goal-setting. For instance, asking “What if…?” or “What would…?” encourages clients to project different scenarios and visualize potential outcomes. Similarly, the question “What does retirement look like?” prompts a more holistic exploration of the client’s vision for retirement beyond just a target date.

Simple follow-ups like “Tell me more” or “What else?” after a client’s initial response can yield valuable additional details and nuances about their goals, values, and motivations regarding their finances. These open-ended prompts create a supportive environment for clients to fully express themselves.

Expanding your repertoire of questions will build on your holistic planning approach. Adopting some additional strategies will allow you to take the experience to a deeper level.

Strategies for Deeper Finpsych Integration

To truly harness the power of finpsych, advisors must go beyond simply asking open-ended questions. Integrating finpsych at a deeper level requires engaging clients in exercises and activities designed to uncover their core values, motivations, and vision for the future.

One powerful technique is to have clients complete values-based exercises that help them identify and prioritize what’s most important in their lives. This could involve having them rank a list of values in order of significance or writing about experiences that exemplify their key principles. Understanding a client’s values provides a critical context for developing a financial plan aligned with their authentic selves.

Visualization activities are another transformative finpsych tool. Ask clients to vividly describe or write a narrative depicting their ideal future self and life. Or have them visualize a perfect day in retirement, describing it in rich sensory detail. Connecting their current decisions to their long-term aspirations makes financial planning feel purposeful.

To reduce anxiety and encourage radical honesty, provide opportunities for clients to answer questions privately before meetings. Use technology to gather data digitally ahead of time. This allows for more profound discussions when you convene. Clients may feel more comfortable opening up about sensitive topics like money motivations after reflecting independently first.

Fundamentally, finpsych is about meeting clients where they are in their readiness to plan. Some may be prepared to fully embrace holistic planning from day one. Others may need more incremental guidance to get there. Adjusting your approach to each client’s unique psychology cultivates trust and partnership over time.

The Benefits of a Finpsych Approach for Clients and Planners

In the world of financial planning, adopting a finpsych approach can unlock a wealth of benefits for clients and financial professionals. By delving into clients’ values, motivations, and emotional relationships with money, planners can craft recommendations that truly resonate. This alignment between practical strategies and core desires cultivates greater engagement, reducing stress and increasing the likelihood of follow-through.

A finpsych methodology recognizes that money decisions are deeply personal and emotionally charged. This eliminates the common disconnect between financial advice and deeply held beliefs, minimizing stress and resistance to misaligned recommendations.

When financial professionals empower clients to vividly articulate their goals by encouraging them to visualize their future selves and desired lifestyles, clear action steps can be created that lead to a sense of purpose and motivation. Clients then perceive these recommendations as stepping stones towards their cherished aspirations, making them more likely to embrace and implement them.

For financial professionals, incorporating finpsych principles into their practices can significantly enhance the advising experience. By going beyond numbers and investments and truly understanding clients, planners can provide tailored recommendations that align with clients’ unique circumstances and long-term goals. This holistic approach fosters stronger relationships, leading to more meaningful and impactful advisory experiences.

Furthermore, the finpsych approach values open and honest communication, fostering trust and transforming the relationship into a long-term partnership built on mutual understanding and respect. This collaborative approach empowers clients to take ownership of their financial futures while allowing financial professionals to play a significant role in positively shaping their clients’ lives.

Embracing Holistic Planning in an Evolving Industry

In an industry where differentiation is key, finpsych offers a compelling advantage. As clients become increasingly aware of the importance of aligning their financial decisions with their values and life goals, those planners who prioritize this holistic approach will be better positioned to attract and retain discerning clients.

To learn more about the added value gained from holistic financial planning, watch my webinar Applying A Holistic Financial Planning Approach To Achieve Alpha now available on-demand. In this webinar, I explore practical methods to add alpha to your practice and enrich the financial planning journey.

DISCLAIMER: The eMoney Advisor Blog is meant as an educational and informative resource for financial professionals and individuals alike. It is not meant to be, and should not be taken as financial, legal, tax or other professional advice. Those seeking professional advice may do so by consulting with a professional advisor. eMoney Advisor will not be liable for any actions you may take based on the content of this blog.

Image of Joe Buhrmann
About the Author

Joe serves as an Advisory Financial Planning Practice Management Consultant at eMoney Advisor. With more than three decades in the financial services industry, Joe aligns his know-how and passion to help firms of all sizes increase usage, adoption, and engagement through a modern financial planning experience. He leverages his expertise and supports internal departments across the enterprise, helping Communications, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Sales. Joe attended Illinois State University, where he received his bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science and his MBA.

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