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Heart of Advice

Insights and best practices for successful financial planning engagement

Practice Management

Whether it’s marketing, sales, compliance, office analytics, or any other part of the business, independent advisors and home offices alike have a lot to manage. Learning to seamlessly fit each of these pieces together can yield far higher efficiency, productivity, and scale.

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Bell Bank Improves Planning Efficiency with eMoney (Case Study)

For over 50 years, Bell Bank Wealth Management has relied on financial planning to drive their client relationships, and therefore,… Read More

dol rule ending solicitor arrangements

Is the DOL Fiduciary Rule the End of Solicitor Arrangements? – Part 2

In my last blog, I discussed why the solicitor structure has grown in popularity and why it will continue in… Read More

DOL rule and solicitor arrangements

Is the DOL Fiduciary Rule the End of Solicitor Arrangements?

A solicitor arrangement is a common practice among financial advisers (FAs) who want to avoid fiduciary status but still receive… Read More

monte carlo builds relationships

3 Ways Monte Carlo Projections Help Client Relationships

As an advisor, you’re asked to do a lot for your clients. You create plans to meet their goals. Map… Read More

Complete Coverage of the DOL Fiduciary Ruling

Today, the Department of Labor issued their ruling on the proposed expansion to the definition of a Fiduciary under ERISA… Read More

The Role Design Plays in Client Engagement

In a break with tradition, the Oxford Dictionaries recently announced the “Face with Tears” or  emoji as the 2015 word of… Read More

5 Easy Steps to Build Financial Planning Relationships Across Generations

As the $60 trillion wealth transfer from Baby Boomers to Gen X/Y draws near, it is important for advisors to… Read More


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